This Spring Cherry blossom starts blooming, attracts Foreign & Japanese families to visit Japan`s countryside.
Smiles from dinner table. All delicious cuisines are set for dinner. Families get together at Hakkei. Young ch...
Smiles from dinner table. All delicious cuisines are set for dinner. Families get together at Hakkei. Young ch...
平成三十年 卯月 御献立 食前酒 先 付 うすい豆豆腐 がら海老 土筆玉〆 割出汁 八 寸 蛍烏賊酢味噌 菜の花香線 葉山葵鯵醤油漬け 合鴨ロース煮 こごみ 蕗白和え 竹の子木の芽和え 造 ...
Daigo Sakura was in full bloom on April 1. As the sunny day continues, it seems to be enjoying cherry blossoms...
Last night it becomes cold at Yubara Hot Spring. We have a guest at Hakkei Sketched a rabbit, Okami san & ...
Let everyone have a full stomach and happy to meet in this Spring. Family having Japanese Cuisine at Hakkei. A...
Because it is girls month, so lots of events and 3 consecutive day events arranged specially for girls. 1st da...
皆さま、いかがお過ごしでしょうか?? フロント酒井です🙌 もう3月ですね・・・。 早いもので、八景に入社して(実は)来月で1年となります! これまで嬉しい・楽しい・大変な事いろいろありましたが…この八景に入社してよかった...
平成三十年 弥生 御献立 食前酒 先 付 春貝酢味噌和え 赤貝 タイラギ貝 蛍烏賊 うるい 長芋 胡瓜 茗荷 芽キャベツ 八 寸 自家製しまめ烏賊塩辛 鮭こうじ焼 山独活きんぴら 蕗 こごみ 梅貝胡麻クリー...
Onsen is the top activity and unique culture in Japan. In above picture we have guests from China. If you are ...
Cold season and slippery snow road is really scary to be afraid, but it's never stop our guests to soak up the...