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電話アイコン0867-62-2211(お電話受付/11:00~15:00 18:00~21:00)


..Snow never stop our guests to stay at Hakkei & eat tasty food..

Cold season and slippery snow road is really scary to be afraid, but it's never stop our guests to soak up the hot springs mood and plan.

Enjoy delicious dishes and food in Okayama.

Japan has become popular worldwide. We welcome visitors to eat healthy meals made and taste the final products along with delicious meals in our restaurant. It is fun to try the wide variety of meals to find the one you like the best. Visitors can also purchase souvenirs. Local gifts is also available at the Hakkei`s shop and makes a great souvenir!

You are sure to enjoy these delicious treats.

The snow again shows it`s beauty at Hakkei enterence.

Maniwa also included in the 100 Great Sceneries of Japan and 100 Great Falls of Japan. The scenery of the falls in the snow is magnificent.

Kindly follow us, soon will share more information & interesting about Japan.