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電話アイコン0867-62-2211(お電話受付/11:00~15:00 18:00~21:00)


。。This March Girls Month at Hakkei, with lots of Events, Aloha Hula Dance & Live Concert 。。

Because it is girls month, so lots of events and 3 consecutive day events arranged specially for girls. 1st day Hawaiian Dance with Doi san performance at Lobby. 2nd Day live concert performed by Doi san at Hakkei`s Lobby.

Okami san starting words before live party began. Lobby with full of girls to cheer up this night. Lots of chicks are decorated everywhere at Lobby, reception and other places at Hakkei.

After dinner, seats are geared up for Hawaiian Dance and concert. Guests like to spend time with family, friends 
and colleagues chatting at Hakkei.

3rd day one of our guest from Okayama, live performance with her wife. Piano concert with flute combination. Everyone pleased in a smooth, healthy and relaxing environment.

Also in March lots of foreigners staying at Hakkei. Guests from China stayed consecutive nights at Hakkei. Visit different places around Yubara.

Tourists and foreign guest are welcome to explore Japan, and visit Hakkei Hot Springs - Foreigners Attractive Resort at Yubara..