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Snowman is back with the beauty at Hot Spring - Hakkei..

That is for the grooming crew for winter season 2018. Enjoy the final turns and events at Hakkei. Snow making returns. Snowman - A representation of human figure created with compressed snow, espacially made by childrens. The above snowman just made here in front of Hakkei - Ryokan.

Yuhara Onsen - Nostalgic scenery in the Winter, Frost and white white all around. This is just in front of Hakkei, our guests have pleasure view from dinning hall, and also from the room`s gallery. Yubara is more exciting but the air is clean and the blue sky is wonderful.

Yubara Onsen hot spring baths.
Yukimi Bath,  Outdoor Bath,  Reserved Bath,  Boundary Bath at Yubaara Onsen - Okayama Prefecture.

This Winter, beautiful Open Air Hot Spring view from `Hanaguruma` dinning hall.

Surprised Saturday Plans.

In January and February ‘Surprise Saturday Plans` also available in weekdays, except the saturday having 3 consecutive holidays.

So keep following us this winter more to come. For more about hot spring, feel free to contact us.