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Waseem Introduction 'Life in Japan'

I, Waseem Nihal working at Yubara Onsen Hakkei.

People travel all over the world for different reasons. My life begans from Pakistan, completed my higher education Master then started work in capital Islamabad.

Interest to explore ways in life & passion to do interesting & valuable works leads you way to success.

In 2014 nature gives opportunity to study abroad, & then work in well develop & beautiful country Japan.

Lived in Tokyo very busy & I called it machine life. Search for beautiful, peace of mind city nature again leads my way to Okayama then to Yubara.

Yubara is peaceful and near to nature.

Natural beauty, flow of river & lush green mountains gives you pleasant & relaxing feeling.

In Yubara lots of new experiencing for me as 1st time I saw open air hot spring in front of people.


From now on I will write about Yubara & future up coming experiences in Japan.

Please follow us & i will appreciate your valuable views.